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Beds Heirloom Pine, Queen Pencil Post Bed Pine and Maple Heirloom

Monday, June 27, 2011

Older Children, Bed-Wetting, and Self-Diapering

I had covered this issue briefly in an earlier sharepost on the health Central Network. This issue concerns me and that is why I felt it needed to be covered in more depth. On this website and others I have read about parents and babysitters diapering older children with bed-wetting problems. Some of these children are 9 or older. As we all know bed-wetting can be very stressful and in my conception this stress can be exacerbated by parents not letting their child put on their own protection. By no means am I a childcare devotee but my intuition tells me that above the age of 3 or 4 a child should be taught how to put on their own diapers.

As Mentioned in a previous post I had a friend who had to babysit a 6 year old. She was telling me that she had to diaper the child before he went to bed. Due to his age I assumed he was potty trained and that the presume he wore diapers was because of a bed-wetting problem. She told me that he went running straight through the house naked and screaming and refused to let her put the diapers on him,which I can't say as I blame him.

Post Beds

I do believe that an older child,adolescent,or teenager should wear diapers to bed if all attempts to cure it have failed and if other garMents such as pull-ups and "Goodnites" don't offer adequate safety but I also feel that the youngster should be responsible for putting on their own safety unless they have some cognitive and/or bodily disability that makes it either difficult for them to do so or prevents them from doing so. Diapering an older child has the inherent to drastically effect a child's psychological health for years to come.

Older Children, Bed-Wetting, and Self-Diapering

There are inevitable tasks that can be accomplished by youngsters who aren't cognitively or physically impAired including tying one's shoes,putting on one's Clothes,etc. Diapering one's self in my conception would fit into this category also.

If the parents are concerned that the child might not Fasten the diapers correctly thereby causing the diapers to leak the parents can show the child how to Fasten the diapers correctly. One way of doing this is to lay the diaper on the bed,have the child sit in the diaper,and tell them how to fold and Fasten the diapers properly. I would do this when the child is young because the older the child gets the more embarrassed the child will feel. This is a very sensitive area for children. Many bed-wetting children feel self-conscious and embarrassed about wearing diapers to bed(although as I have pointed out many times they shouldn't be) and having their parents diapering them will make them feel even more self-conscious and embarrassed. Also bed-wetting makes many children feel helpless and by parents diapering the child it reinforces the feeling of helplessness. That is why children should be taught to be independent in this are as soon as possible.

As far as pin-on diapers are concerned some parents are afraid that the youngster might stick themselves with the pins. This is truly a valid concern but if proper precautions are taken this shouldn't be an issue. I was talking to someone in customer aid for a business that sells pin-on Cloth diapers and plastic Pants for older children and adults with bed-wetting problems to get her take on the situation and she told me that at the age of 7 or below the parents might need to Fasten the diapers,above the age of 7 it would depend on the child's developMent. I believe the same steps taken with disposable diapers can also be taken with pin-on diapers. Again the parents should lay the diapers on the bed,have the child sit in them,and teach them the accurate way to fasten the diapers. I can't emphasize this enough-children need to be taught at a young age how to be independent in this area.

Another idea I have for teaching youngsters how to be self-sufficient in this area is the following. I don't know how feasible this idea is and I admit it's somewhat unusual but like the saying goes in many situations it's good to think outside the box. In many community colleges they use dummies to demonstrate inevitable medical techniques to nursing students. The parents could talk to the head of the nursing department at their local community college and see if they could borrow a dummy and then use the dummy to teach the child the accurate way of fastening the diapers. If the head of the nursing department asks you why you want to borrow the dummy you can illustrate that you have a child who wears diapers for a bed-wetting qoute and you want to use the dummy to teach them how to correctly fasten the diapers. If you are not able to borrow the dummy you can ask them if they have any suggestions about what to do in this situation. I presume that purchasing something like this from a medical Supply store would be expensive so the nurse at the community college might have ideas about alternative approaches to the situation. In increasing you might want to call your local medical/hospital Supply store and see if they have any ideas. About how to deal with this matter. As I mentioned earlier this is a very delicate situation that has the inherent to do irreparable psychological harm to a child.

I wonder if some parents diaper their older child because on some level they might miss the closeness of the parent/Infant relationship and this is a way to recreate this. Some parents either consciously or sub- consciously want to keep their child at a inevitable level of development because the parents don't want to let go emotionally. It must be stressed that this is just speculation,and I'm not saying this is necessarily the case with all parents who put on their older child's diapers but the fact that this could be a factor with some habitancy should be thought about and if this the case it should be adDressed with a mental health pro in order to preclude causing emotional harm to the child.

I hope habitancy understand that this article is not meant as a annotation of anyone's parenting skills. It's meant to help habitancy realize that children are very sensitive concerning these sorts of issues. Children need their privacy and independence in these areas and by not respecting this it makes them feel undignified. I hope this helps habitancy look at this issue in a new light. As always I feel dialogue on these matters is very important and I welcome any constructive thoughts on this matter...

Older Children, Bed-Wetting, and Self-Diapering

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Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Classy Four Poster Beds For Your Bedroom

A fourposter Bed has 4 vertical columns, one for every angle which normally supports an upper rectangular column. These beds have been around for almost 500 years now, many of which (especially, the early 16th century ones) are highly ornaMental. These beds, in those times were made of Oak. Many contemporary four posters are made of elegantly crafted teak wood.

The Function of Testers

Post Beds

Testers, i.e. The four vertical columns are used to hold curtains which are capable of surrounding the bed. As time passed by, the upper rectangular column somehow lost its charm. The four posters of today come without the rectangular columns.

Classy Four Poster Beds For Your Bedroom

A Four Poster for Your Bedroom

Four posters are classy, and as a result, pricey. Moreover, they aren't preferred by everyone, especially by habitancy whose houses are based on comparatively more contemporary themes.

If you have a house that's a bit dated and includes original furniture, a good quality fourposter bed might be just the thing you need to pep up your bedroom space. Four posters may occupy a lot of space in your bedroom (if you have a ageeMent bed space) but are de facto comfortable and beautiful. Four posters aren't de facto sought after these days but then there aren't many habitancy with a taste for gothic furniture anyways! There are a collection of designs ready on the market. If you've been planning on buying a four poster for your bedroom, you need to pick an standard one. In order to perform this, you need to have an in-depth knowledge of designs, wood types as well as polishes.

Bed Designs and Styles

These beds are ready in three styles, i.e. The high canopy, the standard tester as well as the standard low.

Wooden and Metal Four Posters

Wooden Four Posters are ready in a collection of designs and wood types, such as mahogany, oak, ash as well as sycamore. The metal ones are commonly made of solid wrought iron. There are a whole of designs ready in the market. Alternatively, you can visit the internet for a wider collection as well as prices. The beds ready today do not come with testers, strong sufficient to keep rectangular blocks and curtains. Some of them do not come with testers that are more than a feet tall. If you need a original four poster, we advise you visit a shop that deals in aged fourposter beds. The internet is the best way to go about buying fourposter beds. The designs and the prices you are going to find online cannot be matched by any furniture manufacturer in the corporeal world. If you don't like what's available, you can all the time get them made to order.

Classy Four Poster Beds For Your Bedroom

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Sunday, June 5, 2011

Four Poster Bedroom Set - A Must Have Set For Bedrooms

People have separate tastes about things. Life would not be keen if all of us want the same thing. From the face of our house to the inside, we have separate tastes. For our bedroom, we want unique appearance. Some citizen do not use bed. They just lay down their foam on the floor. For some, they use the four poster bedroom set.

This set is a bed with four posts. Along each post is a vertical column which can be seen on every singular corner. This is one of the most sophisticated furniture ever. Moreover, it is ready in many stores.

Post Beds

There are two kinds of poster bed that is widely available. First is the ordinary bed. It has four posts. Each post is found on every corner of the bed. This kind of bed can be made from iron, wood or aluminium. Even if it is an ordinary bed, still, it can appear to be stylish. That is because it has long posts that have patterns and designs.

Four Poster Bedroom Set - A Must Have Set For Bedrooms

The second type is the canopied bed. This is a poster bed which is modified. It can be superior from the ordinary bed since it uses canopy. Canopy is produced from linen and it is used as curtain to the bed. Using it will add elegance to the room. Also, it can add privacy in your bed.

This set can be found on separate kinds of rooms. Some use it in a approved room. Some also use it in contemporary and contemporary rooms.

Owning one of this set can be very useful to some. It can be used as a display in their room. Since it can have designs and decorations, it will eventually add attractiveness to the room. For some, they used this set as an heirloom to their future generations.

The four poster bedroom set is a must have set in our bedroom. Aside from functioning as our bed, we can also benefit a lot from it.

Four Poster Bedroom Set - A Must Have Set For Bedrooms

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