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Beds Heirloom Pine, Queen Pencil Post Bed Pine and Maple Heirloom

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tanning Bed Lotions Do More Than Tan Your Skin

Tanning Bed Lotions Do More Than Tan Your Skin

The indoor tanning craze is in full corollary and more people than ever are visiting tanning salons on a quarterly basis. Some would argue that this is a very unhealthy thing to do, and that permanent skin damage is inevitable, but the truths behind indoor tanning go way beyond that and are ordinarily not determined by these critics.

There are hundreds of indoor tanning bed lotions on the store today and most, if not all, Supply your skin with the cusine it craves during and after a session under Uv rays. In fact, there are so many lotions available that it is fabulous to some and it is very easy to get confused about what's in each of them and what they do. However, all tanning lotions share a base denominator - to safe and moisturize your delicate skin while promoting maximum browning during tanning.

Many of the most favorite tanning bed lotions comprise hemp seed extract in their formulas. This ingredient, which is totally drug-free, is one of the particular most important in a good lotion. The natural oil from hemp seeds has a very strong, very standard moisturizing corollary on your skin. This ingredient is also found in many favorite skin moisturizers, and if you've had the pleasure of trying one of these you know how good they make your skin feel. It leaves your skin feeling healthy, full of moisture, and leaves no sticky or greasy residue unlike many other moisturizers.

Good tanning lotions also comprise many other important ingredients in their formulas which comprise discrete other natural oils and skin firming molecules. Many lotions also comprise what are called "bronzers", which are the ingredients mostly responsible for the deep, dark color you get after a session. Many bronzers continue to work well after you leave your tanning session so it is advisable to not shower right away, and instead wait 3-4 hours to allow the formulas to do their Job to the fullest.

Some lotions also comprise what are called "tingle" ingredients which leave a tingling sensation all of your body. This is done to make the tanner feel like the lotion is doing its Job, but many tanners find this tingle feeling annoying and uncomfortable and avoid it all costs. Each tanner is separate and there is no way to decide which lotion is best for you without first giving each one a try. Most tanning salons will allow you to sample a small number of certain lotions to see if you like it before manufacture a purchase.

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