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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Post Nasal Drip Cure

Post Nasal Drip Cure

Post nasal drip happens when there is a heavy accumulation of mucous in your nasal passages. It can be caused by diseases like rhinitis and sinusitis. Birth control pills can also occasionally cause this condition, simply so can cold Air. Age can also be a factor. In addition there are determined types of this problem caused by inherited factors. Occurrences increase due to the fluid secretions caused commonly by flu or allergies. Decreased secretion is caused by environMental pollutions and natural allergens.

The problem can be treated with antibiotics, nasal irrigation or in greatest cases surgery. But these treatMents are costly and can have harmful side effects. But if you use natural post nasal drip cure then you have no opportunity of suffering from harmful side effects. Moreover natural methods are uncostly and equally productive as designate treatMents.

One of the key things you should do is to blow your nose often to eliminate extra mucous, any way also do not over do it. Saline spray, grapefruit seed citation explication and baking soda explication sprays are very good- you can use them commonly and as often as needed. Use Air conditioners as they Filter out allergens, humidifiers are also very useful especially during the winter. Heating in winter dries out the Air in houses which has bad ensue on your nasal passages since it takes away the much needed moisture.

Dust carpets and furniture properly and clean all linen, sheets and pillow covers. Also commonly bathe any pet. Ask friends and house not to smoke inside the house - very important. Make a good nasal rinse or gurgle commonly with salt and water. Drink a lot of water and fluids and add apple cider vinegar to the water. Aromatherapy with basil tea is also a good natural post nasal drip cure.

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