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Monday, January 23, 2012

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

There is a phenoMenon that occurs immediately after a psychosis disorder, you feel like being extinguished. You don't feel any emotion; you act as a robot or a zombie, and suffer from luck of any general motivation to do stuff. This phenoMenon is what experts call - a Post Psychotic Depression. Here are five tips how to overcome this kind of depression as Fast as possible:

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

1) Having a steady commitment

In order to not remain in bed at the mornings as regularly happens when you suffer from any kind of depression, you need to have a steady commitment that will force you to get up in the morning and begin your agenda. It can be any kind of promulgation such as - a volunteering obligation, a Job, a class or else.

2) Sleep only at nights

As a part of your day routine, you should go to bed only in general times. Those times are regularly during the evening. It causes you to go to sleep only when you are Tired, at the end of the day, and therefore not to suffer from insomnia.

3) Do exercise

Beside of all the good things that practice is doing to our body, it also takes care to make us Tired at the end of the day, and therefore our sleep is deeper and good than it was without it, what causes you to wake up in the morning genuinely and full of essential.

4) Reducing your drugs down to a minimum

After sometime, you should consul with your psychiatrist physician in order to sell out the estimate of you psychiatric drugs down to a minimum. Don't stop taking your drugs, but do act to sell out it until you and your physician think that you have reached to a minimum estimate that minimize your side affects from one side, and keep you balanced on the other hand.

5) Being busy

Do all you can in order to keep yourself busy during your day. In this way times fly and you don't feel like going to sleep as a reaction to your boredom. Being busy can also gives you the feeling of hope to the next day.

Dealing With Depression - Five Tips on How Not to Feel Extinguished With Post Psychotic Depression

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