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Beds Heirloom Pine, Queen Pencil Post Bed Pine and Maple Heirloom

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Abraham Hicks Processes Can Help You Beat Post Enlightenment Blues

So how can Abraham Hicks processes help you beat the post-enlightenMent blues?

You're on a path of spiritual or maybe solely personal increase and all things is going great. all things feels just right. In fact, all the reading and work that you have done up to this point feels like it had a purpose. Those bad experiences (relationships, Job, financial) don't feel so wrong right now; they are no longer a source of ache or regret. Instead they all seem to have a deeper purpose. They were challenges put in the way to get you to this very point. All the inevitable power rises up in your body and approximately overflows. You are so happy to be here, in your body, in this place, right at this moMent.

Post Beds

So what has the path in store for you now? Real life. Which is a challenge all of us have to face when arrival off an enlightenMent buzz. You reach this astounding point, either it is looking an appealing book, an astounding instruction program, a new and appealing guru or plainly a positively insightful affirmation. You get wrapped up in a sense of approximately euphoria where you just feel your purpose to your very toes and then daily challenges start stealing their way back into your life and nudging you away from your happy, happy place.

Abraham Hicks Processes Can Help You Beat Post Enlightenment Blues

You felt that you were more than well equipped to deal with all things from valuing yourself to long-term goal planning. So, it's a shock that not having sufficient caffeine in the afternoon can send you spinning into a negative spiral. To be honest, you just felt you were best than that now. I call this phenoMenon the 'post-enlightenment blues'. You have an epiphany about your personal and / or spiritual increase and then daily life drags you back down with a thump.

I speak about this with a sense of authority because I've been afflicted with it a few times. It's the speculate you end up not following straight through with that astounding productivity routine. Or why you stop meditating on a daily basis. Daily challenges sneak up and bite you in the butt and you feel a microscopic betrayed by your book / policy / guru / affirmation. If it worked properly in the first place, you wouldn't be having these problems would you?

Over the past 8 months I've been reading more and more about the Law of Attraction and a few other positivity focused authors and courses. For the first time ever, I have been able to push straight through my post-enlightenment blues and keep motivated about my increase path...despite daily challenges. A big part of this has been that I am far more realistic and accepting that these microscopic things will occur. Other thing that has helped is that I am quick to identify when daily challenges are getting to me and take myself out of the situation. Rather than start falling back into negative behavior patterns, which was my old Mo.

The point of this record isn't to show off my new astounding behavior patterns (although I am very proud of them).I wanted to share with you some of the exercises I used to help me push straight through my post-enlightenment blues. These exercises come from two different authors Dan Millman and Abraham-Hicks. I'm going to give you the exercises in full, but I would advise looking into either author if you have time.

I've heard great things about Dan Millman's first book 'Way of the Peaceful Warrior' but I've only read his second book 'No ordinary Moments' which is where a one of these exercises is adapted from. I would advise anyone by Abraham-Hicks, especially recordings of their travelling 'Art of Allowing' workshops. I've used a integrate of exercises from their book 'Ask and It Is Given'.

Issues and Lessons of Daily Life

Think of all of your activities yesterday, either it is work / career, finances, relationships, instruction or health related. Make a short list of anyone that you felt challenged you. Which of these things challenged you the most? In one or two sentences, either written or spoken aloud, state what you learned or a capability you gained from the challenge. Imagine the incident happening again. Keep in your mind the inevitable statements that you made about the challenge. Fantasize now, re-approaching the incident viewing it as a inevitable learning experience. Be grateful for the incident. Think about how you would have dealt with the incident differently. Re-play the incident in your mind with this new approach

Wouldn't it be nice process

This is a positively easy Abraham-Hicks process but it is positively effective.

Think of anyone that caused you to feel negative, or caused you ache from yesterday Now, think of the how you would have liked the situation to happen. For example, if you found yourself losing your temper with a loved one because you felt rushed. Now, say to yourself 'Wouldn't it be nice if..." (using the example) I hadn't had felt calm and centered yesterday, or that I had great communication skills and I was able to be honest with people I loved when I needed to focus on me, or if I got up an hour earlier than usual so I my day would feel less rushed. Whatever the ache is, you can apply this great microscopic exercise to it.

Segment Intending Process

This is again, a easy exercise from Abraham-Hicks, but it is most productive to use this tool as a routine part of your day, which may be difficult at first. I would advise that you use a notepad at first to write your intentions for each new segment.

The principle is that you put forward your desires, or intentions for each different section of your day. This is vital because you have very different desires with regard to your getting ready to go to work part of your day and a difficult telephone conversation you have planned with your sister. I will give you an example:

When you first wake up, you lie in bed for a few moments and visualize how the time you spend getting ready to go to work (or drop the kids off, anyone your circumstances) would ideally occur. This could be with a focus on calm serenity, efficiency, communication with your family, commitment to your exercise routine, whatever. The point is to visualize exactly how you want the morning to duration to go. The next step is say out loud the intentions for your morning. For example, I will characterize effectively with my children, giving them time to express their wants and desires and exhibiting patience. When you are first beginning to do this I would advise positively writing your intention down as it gives you a stronger impetuous behind it (you feel it more) Sit for a moment and positively feel your intentions. Know that your communication will be astounding this morning. You do not need to try to control others because your reactions will originate the situation you want. Take a deep breath and let it out. This segment of your day is going to go great!

For segment intending to have the most impact on your life, I would advise that you try to cover as many segments of your day as possible. It's not an attempt to do this as this microscopic or so exercise makes you feel both excited and optimistic about your day. Also, don't stress about when segments start and stop; you will totally feel it. For example, when driving to work you might put forward the intention of safety and good observation. These intentions are less standard for phoning your parents, therefore you know that they are different segments.

I hope this record and Abraham Hicks processes can help you get straight through you post-enlightenment blues.


Abraham Hicks Processes Can Help You Beat Post Enlightenment Blues

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