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Beds Heirloom Pine, Queen Pencil Post Bed Pine and Maple Heirloom

Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Powder Post Beetle

The Powderpost Beetle gains its name from the finely chewed particles it produces while burrowing through wood. The remains will be so fine they will look as if a white powder similar to flour, and this is usually the only indication that the homeowner will receive to identify the species since the majority of its lifespan is spent within hardwoods and digging its way towards the surface. Not long after emerging from its one to four year journey from within your home the Powderpost Beetle will die of natural causes, leaving only a small pinhole and some fine dust to announce that it had ever existed at all.

This species is unlikely to receive sympathy from humans though, because from birth their only goal in life is to destroy wood. Their lifecycle begins as a small larva that was abandoned before birth. There was no Food left for them and no sibling to show them the ropes, but luckily for the Powderpost Beetle they were born within a wooden structure of some type and that is all they truly need to survive. The larvae will begin to burrow into the wood digging through tiny bits at a time, and all the while the rest of the world has positively no idea that it even exists at all. As they strengthen through their painstaking dig the beetle will continue to grow and finally reach adulthood, and shortly thereafter it will emerge from its wooden home and face the environMent for the first time. It will then lay eggs whether on top of the wooden structure or deep within it; and not too long after a new generation will begin the enTire pattern.

Post Beds

An exciting note is that Powderpost Beetles will only burrow into untreated wood, and any type of paint, stain, varnish, or sealant will effectively be left untouched. However, if that piece of lumber was not properly stored while drying out it could perhaps already have the species inside of it. Once the adult beetle emerges it will not lay eggs on a treated exterior but it will instead place eggs back inside the wood before departing. The most coarse Powderpost Beetle infestations occur when purchasing furniture that contains the species inside of it or within lumber purchased to organize the home itself. The only trustworthy way to detect their presence is to witness the wood and notice the burrowed circular holes, then to witness the powdery remains to see if the species is active inside it.

The Powder Post Beetle

A amount of pesticides are ready to operate the Powderpost Beetle, but the best prevention is to completely witness any wood materials before introducing them to your home. It is also exciting to know that this species vastly prefers hardwoods so softer cuts wood such as Pine and Douglas-Fir are usually not colonized. This species often dies off due to natural causes so before investing money replacing boards or spraying perilous chemicals it is leading to verify that the colony is still active. The only way to do this is to study the powder from within the hole; if it is dried or has other debris on it then the beetles are already gone. A pro can help you great rule if Powderpost Beetles are gift within your home, and also offer complicated ways to eliminate the species.

The Powder Post Beetle

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