Beds Heirloom Pine, Queen Pencil Post Bed Pine and Maple Heirloom

Beds Heirloom Pine, Queen Pencil Post Bed Pine and Maple Heirloom

Saturday, February 2, 2013

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Samsung Galaxy

Hunting whitetail while the rut is quite separate than hunting while the Peak Rut duration of the season. While the rut is on, most bucks are roaming the woods at all times of the day searching for does in estrus. Since this window of opening is so brief (generally 5-10 days), bucks will spare minuscule power and time to seize these opportunities and will do so with surprising carelessness often times. However, as this window closes, bucks revert back to regular patterns which dramatically sacrifice their movements while daylight hours. The thrifty hunter will compensate for this by changing his/her basic strategy.

The following strategy is proven sufficient when the coarse strategies used while peak rut have proven only futile. There are three basic tenets of the strategy which can we will label,
1) position,
2) protection, and
3) incentive.

Once bucks have gotten back to "business as usual", they have all but eliminated movement while the daylight hours and use this time for resting from their exploits of the rut. As they do need to restore expended power from the old two weeks, feeding largely takes place after the sun has set. Big bucks are known to bed in thickets which are often too thick to hunt. But these thickets ordinarily are very close to feeding areas which are found often in fields, plots and other open areas. I've found that these are the ideal places to set up as bucks enter these fields come feeding time. I have also found that bucks will make their way to the edge of these fields where they stay until it is too dark for the human eye to see. Or until evolution gets nearby to developing our nocturnal vision. And since the theory contradicts the Bible on a amount of points, I wouldn't hold my breathe. This is where I will improvise by locating a tall pine at the edge and pushing my way up a good 20-25 feet so that I have a good view down into the thicket. Ideally a thicket with open patches is best as you are hoping he will enter. When you have found this tree and verified a good viewpoint, you have established "Position".

Big bucks depend heavily on their sense of smell and since this is a given I won't improve on the necessity of surface scent. But I have found in late season when bucks are less careless, lures can be quite sufficient as a they will not automatically dismiss the possibility of intimate encounters with does that have gone into estrus for a second time or even a younger doe that has blossomed a minuscule later than the others. Deer are arresting animals and bucks especially are prone to explore when intimacy is a possibility. So while I am cautious not to overdo it with lures, neither am I shy with using them in the latter season as they can also serve to cover unwanted scents as well. With this you have established our #2 principle, "Protection".

Lastly, I have had surprising success with using a bleat or estrus call while the latter season which serves to grab the concentration of some bucks and proven to be a good compliment to the lure. Again, I am right not to overuse my call. I typically will hit the call once every 20 minutes or so and hit one last time 20 minutes before dark. On a amount of occasions I have heard the thickets shaking from a buck in transit as the sun begins to set. On as many occasions the buck has remained in that thicket until the sun was gone. Using the call is the first part of the #3 point of the strategy which is "Incentive". And I have consistently brought bucks to the edge of thickets and on almost half of these occasions I was able to get off a clear shot as the buck moved straight through the thicket.

The second part of point #3 is the use of a decoy. For this I use exclusively the fold-up decoys which furnish a two dimensional perspective, so it needs to be thoughtfully positioned and depends on the exact layoff the area your hunting. When the buck gets close adequate to edge of the field or open area, looking your decoy may be incentive for him to move closer in.

If the activity has decreased once the rut has concluded, this strategy will likely growth your odds at taking a buck. Additionally, I have tweaked this strategy as needed while hunting a exact buck that I know is in the area. A fellow hunter told me once that hunting trophy whitetail is much like playing chess and I have found that this is true indeed, so don't be overly mechanical. Much of it is a game of wits. Good luck.

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Beds


Samsung Galaxy

Tube. Duration : 0.75 Mins.


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Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

Samsung Galaxy

Do you live in a small dorm or studio apartment? If you do, you are probably well-known with the difficulties of trying to merge style with functionality. This may be a single problem when you want to add a minuscule pizzazz to the central piece of furniture in your dorm, studio or efficiency apartment.

However, just because you have minuscule space doesn't mean you can't add style. In fact, this is where you could allow your creativity to shine through. With some imagination and forethought, you could have a living space that is exquisite for both day and night. This could be accomplished by turning your twin bed into a sofa. In the evening, you could switch your sofa back into a twin bed.

The Pros and Cons of Turning Your Twin Bed into a Sofa

To begin, you would need a twin platform bed, mate's bed or any twin bed that doesn't have a headboard or post. It is leading to note, that due to their width, a full, queen or king size bed would not change nicely into a couch. This would not give the look or feel that you'd want (not to mention, it would look quite silly).

The obvious benefit of turning your twin bed into a sofa would be that you already have the former element for this design--a twin bed. This equals savings, as you would only need to purchase a few odds and ends to change your bed into a lovely sofa for daytime living.

Another pro would be that unlike a futon, you would not need to accomplish supplementary steps to make your twin bed into a sofa. All that is necessary would be adding supplementary pillows against the back of the bed to give it the look of a sofa.

One disadvantage of converting your bed into a couch would be that this idea wouldn't be suitable if you share your space with person else. For example, if you live in a dorm this might make it difficult. However, there are chances this still could work if your roommate uses a hide-away bed that saves on space. It all indubitably just depends on the situation.

If you decree to go with this idea, one last thing...

You may find the biggest con to be the height of your bed in comparison to daybeds, futons and sofas. Platform beds are substantially lower compared to daybeds. So, keep that in mind when inspecting this option, and if the variation in height doesn't bother you, then using it as a sofa would not be a problem.

If you can afford to spend some extra money but still find you don't like the height-issues that come with platform beds, this could be indubitably remedied by boosting the height of your bed with an extra mattress or box spring. Another option would be to purchase inexpensive bed lifts or risers. They could add an supplementary 1 to 10 inches or more to the height of your bed.

Yet, a word of warning, risers only work if your bed has legs. If not, you would need to add height by using an extra mattress or box spring.

Lesson 101: Turning your Twin Bed into a Sofa with Style

To turn your twin bed into a sofa, you would plainly place it width-wise against a wall (like a daybed). Next, you could add height by using bed risers or an extra box spring or mattress. That is the basics, now onto the creative and fun aspect of switching your twin bed into a sofa and vice versa. This section will enumerate how you could add a personal touch and make your twin sofa bed uniquely your own.

Use thorough bedding

How could you make your bed most look as if a sofa? The respond is simple, use thorough bedding. This could be accomplished by purchasing a bed skirt or a bedding set. This would allow you to cover the legs of your bed and would give it the look of a sofa with upholstered flaps. If you use bed risers, make sure to have them in place first before buying the bedding. That way, you could take measurements to ensure that the bedding is long adequate to cover the legs once the risers are in place.

Use pillows

Pillows are ideal for creating a faux backing to your bed and faux arms. Pillows could be switched nearby to adapt a sofa and a bed. For evening, you could place the pillows at the head of the bed for sleeping. And while the day you could place the pillows in the back for support, comfort and look and feel. As for the arms, you could place bolsters on each side of the bed to fool the eyes into believing your sofa isn't armless.

Create your own upholstered backing

If using pillows exclusively for backing doesn't request for retrial to you, Another option would be to generate an upholstered backing for your sofa bed. This may sound as if it would put a dent in your pocketbook, but upholstered backing could be made inexpensively without compromising on style or showroom appeal.

The main supplies you would need to make an upholstered backing are...

plywood upholstery foam and fabric

Keep in mind, it is also leading to take measurements before beginning on this task to decree the height that you desire for your headboard. What makes this task so affordable is that if you do not possess the tools needed to size the plywood, you could take it to a local hardware store and have them cut it for you at a fraction of the cost.

Once you're ready to get started, there are discrete tutorials on the Internet that could sustain you in creating a headboard. A nice one worth mentioning is Make Your Own Upholstered Headboard. It should help you along quite nice and give you a few other ideas on ornamental style in the process.

Once you're finished, you'll find that the upholstered headboard lends an element of class to your space. Creating your own one-of-a-kind headboard will add a sense of accomplishment. It will also be perfectly remarkable to your taste and style, and as a bonus you can bet you'll get fullness of compliments from your friends in the process.

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

Post Beds


Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 0.75 Mins.


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Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Samsung Galaxy

Hunting whitetail during the rut is quite separate than hunting during the Peak Rut period of the season. While the rut is on, most bucks are roaming the woods at all times of the day searching for does in estrus. Since this window of chance is so brief (generally 5-10 days), bucks will spare dinky power and time to seize these opportunities and will do so with surprising carelessness often times. However, as this window closes, bucks revert back to regular patterns which dramatically cut their movements during daylight hours. The prudent hunter will compensate for this by changing his/her basic strategy.

The following strategy is proven efficient when the common strategies used during peak rut have proven only futile. There are three basic tenets of the strategy which can we will label,
1) position,
2) protection, and
3) incentive.

Once bucks have gotten back to "business as usual", they have all but eliminated movement during the daylight hours and use this time for resting from their exploits of the rut. As they do need to restore expended power from the old two weeks, feeding largely takes place after the sun has set. Big bucks are known to bed in thickets which are often too thick to hunt. But these thickets usually are very close to feeding areas which are found often in fields, plots and other open areas. I've found that these are the ideal places to set up as bucks enter these fields come feeding time. I have also found that bucks will make their way to the edge of these fields where they stay until it is too dark for the human eye to see. Or until evolution gets around to developing our nocturnal vision. And since the ideas contradicts the Bible on a whole of points, I wouldn't hold my breathe. This is where I will improvise by locating a tall pine at the edge and pushing my way up a good 20-25 feet so that I have a good view down into the thicket. Ideally a thicket with open patches is best as you are hoping he will enter. When you have found this tree and verified a good viewpoint, you have established "Position".

Big bucks depend heavily on their sense of smell and since this is a given I won't progress on the necessity of exterior scent. But I have found in late season when bucks are less careless, lures can be quite efficient as a they will not automatically dismiss the possibility of intimate encounters with does that have gone into estrus for a second time or even a younger doe that has blossomed a dinky later than the others. Deer are animated animals and bucks especially are prone to study when intimacy is a possibility. So while I am cautious not to overdo it with lures, neither am I shy with using them in the latter season as they can also serve to cover unwanted scents as well. With this you have established our #2 principle, "Protection".

Lastly, I have had surprising success with using a bleat or estrus call during the latter season which serves to grab the attentiveness of some bucks and proven to be a good compliment to the lure. Again, I am just not to overuse my call. I typically will hit the call once every 20 minutes or so and hit one last time 20 minutes before dark. On a whole of occasions I have heard the thickets shaking from a buck in transit as the sun begins to set. On as many occasions the buck has remained in that thicket until the sun was gone. Using the call is the first part of the #3 point of the strategy which is "Incentive". And I have consistently brought bucks to the edge of thickets and on roughly half of these occasions I was able to get off a clear shot as the buck moved through the thicket.

The second part of point #3 is the use of a decoy. For this I use exclusively the fold-up decoys which supply a two dimensional perspective, so it needs to be thoughtfully positioned and depends on the exact layoff the area your hunting. When the buck gets close enough to edge of the field or open area, seeing your decoy may be incentive for him to move closer in.

If the activity has decreased once the rut has concluded, this strategy will likely growth your odds at taking a buck. Additionally, I have tweaked this strategy as needed while hunting a exact buck that I know is in the area. A fellow hunter told me once that hunting trophy whitetail is much like playing chess and I have found that this is true indeed, so don't be overly mechanical. Much of it is a game of wits. Good luck.

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Beds


Samsung Galaxy

Video Clips. Duration : 0.75 Mins.


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Post Beds

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy
Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Beds

Join the Conversation at #PlayStation2013


Post Beds

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed
Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

Post Beds

Join the Conversation at #PlayStation2013


Post Beds

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy
Post Rut and Late Season Deer Hunting Strategy

Post Beds

Waterproof pH Temp Meter

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