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Saturday, December 31, 2011

5 Killer Ways to Please Your Man in Bed and Keep Him Loyal

5 Killer Ways to Please Your Man in Bed and Keep Him Loyal

Most woMen are clueless when it comes to pleasing their Men. They think that all men want is sex and that's it. If you are mental this way, you are only half-correct. Men, in increasing to sex, wants more. They want to be dominant in bed, but at times, they also like to be controlled by women. They want to be pampered at times. This record shows you how you can please him so that he will stay loyal to you.

1. Perform oral sex. Men enjoy oral sex more than everything else. Start by kissing his penis and then exciting down to his testicles. Then lick his genitals slowly. Once you are done, put his penis head into your mouth and gradually move down the shaft. For added pleasure, you might want to pop a mint into your mouth for the cooling sensation. If you in effect want to please your man in bed, well, give him oral sex.

2. survey his erogenous areas. There are a whole of parts of a man that are receptive that will have him going soft in his knees. Also his penis and testicles, you can in increasing cuddle or kiss his groin area, inner thighs, nipples and neck. Give a minute bite on these areas, especially the nipples. Here is something that most women don't know: men like their partners to lie on their chest. So remember to give his chest some attention.

3. Men appreciate a good kiss. The kissing process helps your man to relax and prepares him for sex. It is said that "if you are kissing, you are happy". It makes you and your partner feel good about yourselves. So a good kiss is a build-up to great sex. And yes, don't forget the mints again. Men are very turned off by women with bad breath.

4. Recognize his favourite sex position. Most men prefer the doggy style and the missionary position as they allow maximum penetration. Women also favour these 2 positions as the penis can reach a woman's G-spot directly. Dissimilar couples have Dissimilar preferences, so there is no such thing as the 'ideal position'. survey and be creative with your ideas. You might also come up with something new for the Karma Sutra!

5. Going big. Men are turned on by women with big breasts. Agreeing to a poll from an online gaming forum, more than 87% of men think that an ideal breast size is at least a cup C. The intuit behind this is that men like to fondle with breasts during sex. A woman with bigger breasts Supply a great grip for men, which makes us men feel 'happy'. This also explains why men drool over women who are well-endowed.

Now that you know breast size does matter to man, why not learn a few breast enlargement exercises to develop your breasts? These exercises help your breasts to grow bigger and feel more natural to the touch.

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Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Hip Fractures - A Guide For saving

Hip Fractures - A Guide For saving

Hip Fracture Basics: Types and Causes of Broken Hips

Hip fractures are serious injuries that often need surgery to repAir. Every year in the United States alone over 300,000 people suffer broken hips and need hospitalization. Of that number, over half of those people suffering a hip fracture are over the age of 80.

Bone density, age, and other medical conditions can all contribute to the likelihood of a broken hip, but generally a fracture occurs because of some sort of trauma to the area, like a fall. Most hip fractures in the elderly are caused by falls, while in younger patients - car accidents and other high impact injuries are the most likely causes.

Elderly woMen and other patients with osteoporosis are at a greater risk of suffering a broken hip in the event of a fall. Because osteoporosis weakens the skeletal principles by causing loss of bone mass - bones and joints are at a greater risk of fracturing in the event of trauma.

Hip fractures are assuredly the breaking of the femur (the bone that extends from the pelvis to the knee) inside or near the hip joint. Hip fractures are generally placed into 2 main classifications - a Femoral Neck Fracture or an Intertrochanteric Fracture. Both of these types of fractures are very serious and in most cases will necessitate surgery to fix the fractures.

Femoral Neck Fracture

The femoral neck is just below the head (top) of the femur. A femoral neck fracture generally occurs within 1 to 2 inches from the end of the femur.

Intertrochanteric Fracture

This fracture occurs within 3 to 4 inches of the head of the femur and ordinarily requires the use of a metal plate and screw to hold the bone in place while it heals - allowing the head of the femur to continue provocative ordinarily in the hip socket.

Though hip fractures are generally caused by a serious trauma - a fall or a high impact injury - other factors can contribute to the risk of sustaining a broken hip.


Statistics show that age is a large factor. The majority of hip associated injuries and fractures occur in people over 80. There are two main reasons why this may be true: bone density loss and the presence of other medical conditions affecting balance and mobility. But also effecting elderly patients are normal aging issues like loss of foresight and a decreasing or weakening sense of balance.

Medical Conditions

Osteoporosis puts patients at an even higher risk for breaking a hip simply because it reduces bone density. There are a estimate of other medical conditions that will also lead up to and growth chances of developing osteoporosis which in turn can lead to increased risks for hip fractures.

The improveMent of other diseases and conditions like Parkinson's disease which corollary a person's mobility and balance can contribute to an increased risk of falling and breaking a hip as well. Diabetes, arthritis, and similar diseases can also corollary a person's performance levels which in turn increases risk.

Physical Inactivity

Because physical inactivity can lead to the weakening of bones, tendons, and muscles - it can also contribute to a higher risk of fracturing requisite bones and joints. physical inactivity can in turn lead to other conditions such as obesity and weight gain which can put a larger strain on a weakening bone structure. Maintaining a quarterly physical performance schedule will often sell out a patient's risk of hip fracture.

Mortality Rates and tasteless Problems associated with Hip Fractures

Hip fractures are serious injuries that need immediate medical attention because there are a estimate of problems and conditions that can arise because of the broken bone. Studies have shown that mortality rates following a hip fracture can be rather high for a estimate of reasons which contain the improveMent of other serious medical conditions (blood clots and infections) as well as the age of the outpatient at the time of the injury (since the majority of fractures occurs among seniors).

A study published in the British medical Journal places mortality rates within one year of suffering a fractured hip at 20%. And this estimate only increases with the age of the outpatient - as many as 33% of patients over the age of 80 die within a year of breaking a hip. The 30 day mark following surgery for a fractured hip is high in this people also - coming in at about 10%.

A estimate of factors contribute to these high numbers. Post-operative complications like infections (i.e. Pneumonia or bronchitis) are dangerous factors. The normal condition of the patients complicated in the study also contributes to the high mortality rates. Because as we talked about, a estimate of other conditions can growth a patients risk of breaking a hip. These same conditions (obesity, diabetes, osteoporosis, Parkinson's, and others) can also make saving more difficult.

Mobility factors growth risk as well. Because a broken hip makes it even more difficult for patients to get allowable exercise, the broad deterioration of the body due to inactivity can bring about other condition problems or exasperate existing conditions like heart disease. For patients that are bedridden following surgery, pressure sores and infections become an increased risk.

Overall, the normal condition of a outpatient prior to the sustained injury and following surgery is going to play extremely in determining the likelihood of the patient's complete recovery. This is why younger patients tend to recover more fully and Fast as they are less likely to have preexisting medical conditions that are going to be worsened by the injury.

Mortality rates and other complications decrease significantly in patients that work hard at maintaining an active and salutary lifestyle regardless of age. Often for these folks - a broken hip is a temporary setback, though it is still a serious injury. saving though will often be a lot simpler if the outpatient has maintained normal good condition prior to fracturing their hip.

How Hip Fractures are Treated

In most cases, a hip fracture is going to need surgery. In cases where surgery is not inherent because of an illness or other factor - traction may be used. In those cases without surgery - the main rehabilitation for a broken hip relies mainly on pain reduction.

Both types of hip fractures - the femoral neck fracture and the intertrochanteric fracture - need surgery. The exact policy is slightly different for each type.

Intertrochanteric Fracture Surgery

When the break is lower on the femur as in an intertrochanteric fracture (occurring 3 to 4 inches from the head of the femur) a different policy is generally used. Doctors will attach a metal plate to the side of the femur and insert a metal hip compression screw into the femur. This compression screw and plate allows the bone fragments to compress together and mend themselves.

Femoral Neck Fracture Surgery

With a femoral neck fracture, surgery will generally involve one of three types of procedures: metal screws, replacing part of the femur, or total hip replacement.

Using metal screws, the surgeon will align the bones and fix them in place with three long metal screws which will remain in place and not be removed. These screws serve to allow the bones to mend back together as well as expand that section of the femur.

If the doctors are unable to align the bones in a way that will allow them to heal properly, they will ordinarily endeavor a policy known as a hemiarthroplasty. This involves removing and replacing the damaged head and neck of the femur with a metal prosthesis.

Total hip transfer is the most invasive of the three options. If for some reason, the socket joint in the hip is damaged - total hip transfer might be the best option. In this procedure, the surgeons will not only replace the top measure of the femur, but also the joint section of the pelvic bone. One of the benefits of total hip transfer is that it allows patients to become movable again sooner after the surgery than other options. This can help to prevent other complications associated with major surgery from developing.

Hospital stays after surgery for a hip fracture can vary in distance - although the average stay in the hospital generally lasts a week. The majority of patients will need physical therapy for a long duration following the surgery to recover completely. Older and less movable patients may even have to look to a long term care facility if they don't have ready help or care at home.

Help With saving and stoppage of Hip Fractures

Exercise and physical performance is a key in helping with both saving from a hip fracture and stoppage of those fractures. Because mobility is miniature following surgery for hip fractures, the use of a rolling walker is often a good idea for elderly patients as it will help them get the practice to speed up medical and also help to prevent other fall from aggravating the injury further.

Everyday tasks will probably become a miniature more difficult for a outpatient recovering from hip fracture surgery. Things like bending over to tie shoes or getting Dressed in the morning will need a miniature bit of extra effort. Lifting the affected leg into bed or onto the couch will also become more difficult at times during the recovery. There are quite a few products like extended shoe horns and leg lifters which can ease the pain and difficulty of recovery.

Often times, uncomplicated tasks that are taken for granted become more complicated. Bathing for example is an daily thing that becomes tough following hip surgery. A sponge on an extended handle or a bath bench become tools which can assuredly help.

To make saving easier, the purchase of a "hip kit" is a small venture for quite a bit of help. tasteless items that you'll find in a hip kit include:

Long Handled Sponges Long Handled Shoe Horn A Dressing Stick Extendable Reachers or Grabbers Leg Lifters

Mobility and physical therapy are both prominent factors in helping to speed up recovery. Full use of the hip will take some time, but in patients that were salutary prior to the surgery, a full saving is inherent and likely.

Exercise is a major factor in saving as well as the stoppage of other complications arising because of the surgery. Any help that a outpatient can enlist - whether from family or marvelous medical practitioners is going to aid them in recovery.

Prevention Tips

Learning how to prevent falls is other factor that is going to seriously limit the likelihood of breaking a hip.

* building railings or ramps to help with stAirs nearby the home is a good idea.

* Installing rails next to the toilet and in the bathtub or shower is other deterrent measure. They're also great ideas to help somebody who is trying to recover from hip surgery since their mobility will be more miniature for a time.

* Rearranging furniture to allow for clear paths.

* Check rugs and carpets for slippage or places somebody could trip.

* think the use of a hip protector - a low profile pad that you wear under your Clothing and over your hip to help discharge any impact from a fall.

* Keep cords stowed safely away.

* Place used items in easy to reach places - avoid step stools and ladders where balance might be lost.

* Make sure areas of the home and yard are well lit. Being able to see a hazard is half the battle.

* Wear practical shoes that are non-slip.

Maintaining a salutary lifestyle can also decrease your risk of breaking a hip. Not only exercise, but allowable nourishment is important.

* Weight Bearing practice - Helps to fight bone density loss and works to contend the force of tendons and muscles that support the joints. Not only that, but ordinarily walking or exercising will help to contend your sense of balance and agility - production the likelihood of a fall less likely.

* Smoking - Believe it or not, smoking assuredly works to sell out your bone density. So not only can it cause cancer - but it can weaken your bones.

* Calcium and Vitamin D - allowable nourishment and Watching levels of calcium in your diet (through Foods or supplements) will work to contend your bone density so that in the event of a fall, you are less likely to fracture your hip. Vitamin D is also a key component of this process as it helps your body discharge and process calcium.

Other Hip Fracture Resources

There are a ton of ready resources on the web these days that can help you in the stoppage of or saving from a hip fracture. The following is a listing and enumerate of some great web sites and articles if you would like more data on hip fracture prevention, treatment, and recovery.

The Mayo Clinic

The Mayo Clinic is a extremely respected non-profit organization and clinic that maintains clinics in Minnesota, Arizona, and Florida. They also have a very informative web site that is a great resource for countless medical conditions. The section of the web site on hip fractures is very in depth and organized in a way that you can find data very assuredly on stoppage of hip fractures or help with saving from hip surgery. is an provocative web site in that it deals with the care of patients following surgeries like total hip replacement. On this web site you'll find questions and tips associated to helping patients or parents who are going straight through a difficult hip surgery recovery.

Advice on how to deal with the medical condition is provided, as well as advice on how to help the outpatient mentally get straight through the saving is discussed.

This web site also provides way to a network of caregivers and aid providers in your area if you need supplementary help with recovering from hip surgery. You can find providers for any level of help that might be needed, from full time care to part time help with housework and chores. The great thing about this aid is that you can post your needs and interview inherent caregivers as well as look at a background check.

Maintaining an active and salutary lifestyle are the best deterrent measures that you can take towards avoiding a hip fracture. Working as an online community and resource, is a great resource and web site to use to contend that active and salutary lifestyle.

Nutrition data and tools like their 'meal planner' and 'weight tracker' are great ways to make sure you are doing all you can to stay healthy. Participating in the community forums is also a great way to meet other people facing the same issues or working towards the same goals.

Hip fractures are a tasteless injury, especially among the elderly - so reaching out to a community like EveryDayHealth will give you the opportunity to find understanding support of what it is you might be going straight through following hip surgery.

Finding the allowable support, medical care, and tools to aid in the saving from hip fracture surgery is a key component to reducing the difficulty and likelihood of complications from a broken hip. whether you have experienced a hip fracture or are just concerned in the stoppage of a hereafter injury - there's a myriad of online resources ready to help you in that quest.

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Sunday, December 11, 2011

Post Nasal Drip Cure

Post Nasal Drip Cure

Post nasal drip happens when there is a heavy accumulation of mucous in your nasal passages. It can be caused by diseases like rhinitis and sinusitis. Birth control pills can also occasionally cause this condition, simply so can cold Air. Age can also be a factor. In addition there are determined types of this problem caused by inherited factors. Occurrences increase due to the fluid secretions caused commonly by flu or allergies. Decreased secretion is caused by environMental pollutions and natural allergens.

The problem can be treated with antibiotics, nasal irrigation or in greatest cases surgery. But these treatMents are costly and can have harmful side effects. But if you use natural post nasal drip cure then you have no opportunity of suffering from harmful side effects. Moreover natural methods are uncostly and equally productive as designate treatMents.

One of the key things you should do is to blow your nose often to eliminate extra mucous, any way also do not over do it. Saline spray, grapefruit seed citation explication and baking soda explication sprays are very good- you can use them commonly and as often as needed. Use Air conditioners as they Filter out allergens, humidifiers are also very useful especially during the winter. Heating in winter dries out the Air in houses which has bad ensue on your nasal passages since it takes away the much needed moisture.

Dust carpets and furniture properly and clean all linen, sheets and pillow covers. Also commonly bathe any pet. Ask friends and house not to smoke inside the house - very important. Make a good nasal rinse or gurgle commonly with salt and water. Drink a lot of water and fluids and add apple cider vinegar to the water. Aromatherapy with basil tea is also a good natural post nasal drip cure.

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Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Mistakes Men Make in Bed - 2 Things Men Do between the Sheets They Probably Shouldn't!

Mistakes Men Make in Bed - 2 Things Men Do between the Sheets They Probably Shouldn't!

In this report we are going to talk about mistakes Men make in bed..:-) Now, I'm sure lots of my sisters in the dating wars out there are going to appreciate this, as we get So many woMen who write in with these sorts of bad dream stories that it it's probably a communal assistance declaration to post them! And of course, yes...women make fullness of mistakes in the middle of the sheets as well...but these are for the guys out there who are seeing for More action, or at least a second date after the first one has gone well..;-) Read on!

The Felonious Phone Call: Do Not Bring Your Cell to the Sack!

Do you know how many women have said that their date has brought a cell phone into bed? Lots! Okay, I Do understand that you may have the phone with your stuff, on in a pocket and that is fine! Just don't retort it..:-)! There is Nothing that tells a girl you've got something to hide, or someplace you'd Rather be than answering a phone in the middle of a very erotic moment. Unless you are an accident room physician or are out saving the world......just say no!

You are Not an Adult Film Star....and Neither is She!

There is nothing worse than hooking up with a man who believes he missed his work as an adult film actor. Remember, guys...most of the stuff you've seen in those movies were Not made with your woman's libido in mind! They were made By guys....For other guys! Don't try all of those moves you understanding the girl undoubtedly liked on screen....or at least not the first few nights you're together!

Remember, she likes sex as much as you do...(some even More!) but women are funny and finicky creatures. She wants to feel you physically as well as emotionally, and the quicker you learn to motion to both sides of her mind (and body) the More fun you are going to have, I promise!

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Sunday, November 20, 2011

The Best Kind of Tree to Cut to Make a Post

The Best Kind of Tree to Cut to Make a Post

Determining the best type of tree make the best fence posts is largely thought about by your local area. There is a range of oak called "post oak", so named because posts split from it last fAirly well in the ground. Old timers sharpened the ends of the posts and drove them with sledge hammers. Pratt Logging, in Blackfoot, Idaho now point and cap posts for this exact purpose.

Black Locust is authentically fAirly prevalent in Idaho, and it makes good posts if you cut trees that have much heartwood or split the white wood off. When you put a post in the ground the white wood swiftly rots off, but the black heartwood may last 50 years in the ground.

Juniper is also a good wood. Again, the white wood rots off; it is the heartwood that lasts. If you have cedar, check the heartwood.

The best trees to cut for posts are...

Fir Locust Locust posts last over 60 years Locust continuing over 60 years Eastern White Cedar posts last 80 years and longer Eastern Red Cedar Red Oak White Oak

The Dept of Agriculture or your local postponeMent office should have a brochure on posts made from trees, along with the ranking for longevity in the ground. Call your local agent.

However, cutting down a tree to make fence posts will probably not save you any money. Consider the mystery of hauling a cut tree from its fell location to chopping it into the right size with non-professional equipMent. And then, Consider the weight and effort will take to place a tree in a truck to haul it to the desired destination. authentically none of this is worth the problem just to save a few Dollars on a post.

Pratt Logging specializes in cutting and preparation fence posts. The benefit is that they have the equipment to peel the posts, drill the posts (if you need dowel fencing), point and cap the posts, and even cross-cut the posts if you are preparation a Jack Fence or Buck Fence.

And, of course, a treated post will extend the life of the post many years.

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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Build a Privacy Fence For Your Yard

Build a Privacy Fence For Your Yard

Before you decree to build a privacy fence for your yard, there are several items you will need. You will need posthole diggers, a hammer, concrete, stakes, string, skill saw, nails or screws, drill, tape portion and a speed square.

Before you start to dig the holes for your fence, you must mark a fence line. This way you know where your fence is going to be. In addition, you will need to portion the area of your fence line with a tape measure. The fancy you are going to be doing this is that, this way you can get an exact reading of how much material you will need by measuring square feet.

You are going to want to drive metal stakes ever 6 to 8 feet apart, for this is where your fence posts are going to be. After you have driven all the stakes in the ground were, you are going to have your fence. Take some sting and go colse to each stake this way you get a straight looking fence. For a privacy fence, you are going to want to buy 8-foot post.

Set all of the fence post about 1/3 or their total distance buried in the ground for reserve use gravel followed by concrete, then use a level to make sure you post is level. Be sure you make sure each post is level, then after you have put up all the post and leveled then. Let the concrete dry for a day, so you know they are secure.

The next morning check the post to see if you can move them, if not then you can continue to build your fence. When arriving at the hardware store look for the longest 2 x 4's you can find. You are going to get as many (2 x 4's) as you need in order to start from one end of your fence to the other.

While you are there at the hardware store, you might as well get the fence boards that you will whether be nailing or screwing to your fence. You may want to just, grab a bundle of these because you may end up using all of them.

This type of privacy fence is easy to build and anything can do it, there is however, a microscopic bit of measuring and mathematical skills required. In addition, afterward you will have a gorgeous looking fence, while you are still at the hardware store; buy you some stain terminate to apply to your fence.

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Sunday, October 30, 2011

Sofa Bed

Sofa Bed

Sofa beds are Fast becoming a fashion and style stateMent in the line of contemporary furniture. Some even consider them best than the quarterly futons available, as they do not lose their shape easily. Sofa beds are a cost-efficient explication to the space and money saving options that are very viable. Sofa beds offer not only style, convenience and relieve but, also a perfect storage explication as well.

Sofa beds consist of an in-built inner spring mattress and thus can also be used for sleeping. However, it also allows other bed-ware like pillows and sheets to be stored inside them. One can use the sofa beds to secure to the best, the explication to sitting furniture, bed and storing equipMent. Most of the sofa beds are beloved by the users who like simplicity, organizations and manageMent in their lives along with style and fashion. Sofa beds are a highly functional piece of furniture that can be converted from sleeper into a sofa, very easily.

Such type of beds have evolved and been improvised from their old designs that were not only uncomfortable but inconvenient as well. However, with the growing demands of the buyer preferences the manufacturers have produced a varying range of sofa beds that offer a virtually endless style, fabric, accessories, material and other options.

This functional piece of furniture can be transformed into sophisticated and original style, by choosing fabrics that add glamor and richness to the furniture. Other contemporary options in fabric vary from, chenille to microfiber. However, when buying the sofa beds, it is prominent to keep in mind the aspects like; quality, type, size; and most importantly the relieve of a person. It is best to take a recognize of the market to get an understanding of the prevailing market trends, with regard to the price and ability of the furniture. Get quotations from a few authenticate manufacturers or sell outlets and compare the prices and the ability of the furniture to get the best bargain. an additional one channel for cost-effective buying is straight through the internet. However, it is best to trace out the corporeal adDress or the telephone amount or the post box amount of the office, to validate the supplier of the furniture and avoid becoming a part of online scams.

Sofa beds are a very handy selection to rely on, in case of accommodating influx of guests while emergencies, reunions or other such house events. These types of beds redefine the meaning of multi-functionality and not only cater to your storage needs, but chamber needs as well. The bed can be folded as a sofa in the morning to increase the lively around space and reduce the clutter and unfolded in the night as bed, to furnish relieve to the guests and keep them from sleeping on the floor.

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Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Post-Retirement performance - 5 Tips for production the Most Out of Each Day

Post-Retirement performance - 5 Tips for production the Most Out of Each Day

Imagine waking up to the sound of an alarm clock only to comprehend you don't have everywhere to go. The first day of relinquishMent can be breathtaking and confusing at the same time. While getting up at 4 am has now become a thing of the past, the request you may ask is: Now what? Here are five tips for manufacture the most out of each day in post-reTireMent.

Avoid the rut. For the first few days you will have to acclimate yourself to a new kind of freedom. Instead of getting up at the crack of dawn, turning over in bed becomes quite attractive, at least for the first week. Afterward, make a list of activities you have all the time wanted to engage in. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as it gets you up and out of the house.

Exercise and nutrition. Now that you are reTired, you may want to start an exercise regiMen or rev up the one you may have been on for some time. Join a gym or call a friend and make a commitMent to walk at least three days a week. Select a diet plan, if appropriate, and in composition with an exercise schedule you can revitalize your mental, emotional, and physical well-being.

Redefine your interests. What have you all the time wanted to do, but never had the opening or the time? Traveling, painting, writing, and gardening are just some of the hobbies you would like to turn in to full time skills. Perhaps you've wanted to attend classes on history, sociology, or the arts. Now you can. Or Perhaps you wish to start a home-based company in your area of expertise. Now you can.

Relocate to someone else city. If you have spent your life visiting distinct cities in the Us or colse to the world, you may wish to reTire to someone else city. Research, plan, and fulfill the dream of whether living in a small college town, a bustling metropolis, or an exotic country. Find the Ideal place to reTire; it is within your power to do so.

Exercise the brain. Studies have shown that brain exercises can add 10 years to your cognitive capacity and growth stimulation straight through such activities as scrabble, puzzles, or focusing on problems that require considerable thinking. Just as you continue to exercise the body; it is just as prominent to exercise the brain.

Retirement poses several options. You can live a sedentary life because, after all, you've worked very hard and deserve the rest; or you can Select to engage in activities which not only improve your lifestyle, but afford you the opening to fully inspect all of those things you have been curious in during your lifetime.

The latter sounds more exciting, doesn't it? Make the most out of each day - now that you can.

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Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tanning Bed Lotions Do More Than Tan Your Skin

Tanning Bed Lotions Do More Than Tan Your Skin

The indoor tanning craze is in full corollary and more people than ever are visiting tanning salons on a quarterly basis. Some would argue that this is a very unhealthy thing to do, and that permanent skin damage is inevitable, but the truths behind indoor tanning go way beyond that and are ordinarily not determined by these critics.

There are hundreds of indoor tanning bed lotions on the store today and most, if not all, Supply your skin with the cusine it craves during and after a session under Uv rays. In fact, there are so many lotions available that it is fabulous to some and it is very easy to get confused about what's in each of them and what they do. However, all tanning lotions share a base denominator - to safe and moisturize your delicate skin while promoting maximum browning during tanning.

Many of the most favorite tanning bed lotions comprise hemp seed extract in their formulas. This ingredient, which is totally drug-free, is one of the particular most important in a good lotion. The natural oil from hemp seeds has a very strong, very standard moisturizing corollary on your skin. This ingredient is also found in many favorite skin moisturizers, and if you've had the pleasure of trying one of these you know how good they make your skin feel. It leaves your skin feeling healthy, full of moisture, and leaves no sticky or greasy residue unlike many other moisturizers.

Good tanning lotions also comprise many other important ingredients in their formulas which comprise discrete other natural oils and skin firming molecules. Many lotions also comprise what are called "bronzers", which are the ingredients mostly responsible for the deep, dark color you get after a session. Many bronzers continue to work well after you leave your tanning session so it is advisable to not shower right away, and instead wait 3-4 hours to allow the formulas to do their Job to the fullest.

Some lotions also comprise what are called "tingle" ingredients which leave a tingling sensation all of your body. This is done to make the tanner feel like the lotion is doing its Job, but many tanners find this tingle feeling annoying and uncomfortable and avoid it all costs. Each tanner is separate and there is no way to decide which lotion is best for you without first giving each one a try. Most tanning salons will allow you to sample a small number of certain lotions to see if you like it before manufacture a purchase.

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Monday, September 26, 2011

Cat Scratching Post - Do You Need One?

Unless you don't care at all about your soft furnishings and carpets, then the rejoinder to the quiz, "do you need a cat scratching post?", for most cat owners, has to be a resounding yes.

Even if your cat goes outdoors a lot, where he will use trees or fence posts to grind his claws, it's still a good idea to provide an indoor scratching post.

Post Beds

Cats will scratch, whether you like it or not, so providing something other than your furniture to scratch on is a must. Cats certainly need to scratch to remove the outer sheath on their claws as the claws grow, in order to expose the new claws. Some experts say that Cats also scratch to exercise their muscles, to stretch, to mark their territory and just because they like it. I reckon that they like the attentiveness they get when they try to scratch your sofa too.

Cat Scratching Post - Do You Need One?

You could make a scratching post from a log or similar but there are so many available on the market which are quite inexpensive, that you're sure to find something suitable. Of course, you could all the time buy a tree in a pot, if you have the room for it and if you can anchor it to the floor or wall so that it doesn't fall over when the cat stretches against it.

There are quite plain cat scratching posts which are covered in rug or sisal rope, some with a dangling pompom for the cat to play with. These come in a collection of heights, so that for a very large cat you have the selection of a taller post and certainly there are horizontal ones which will save you worrying about whether the cat will outgrow his post. Then things get more involved with dual posts and dangling pompoms, wide scratching boards, scratchable steps or stools so that the cat can look out of the window as well. After that, we progress to whole play units which can merge a scratching post with tunnels, shelves, toys and more. Some of these merge three dissimilar surfaces for scratching, together with part of a real tree as well as carpet, cardboard or sisal rope.

Whichever type you choose, make sure that the base is heavy and wide adequate that the cat won't pull it over when scratching. The height should be greater than the height of the cat when upright, if you are opting for the vertical collection so that he can certainly stretch his whole body properly. If your cat is the playful type, then why not spend a tiny more in a complete playstation and scratching post. This will give your cat a great outlet for his vigor if he doesn't go surface or even on rainy days, when he certainly doesn't want to.

Buying a cat scratching post is rewarding for both your cat and yourself. Your cat will appreciate the premise and your furnishings may just last a tiny longer.

Cat Scratching Post - Do You Need One?

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Thursday, September 15, 2011

Recognizing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms

Wonder how to tell if person you love has post traumatic stress disorder symptoms? Here are some insights.

He's home safe and you should be happy. You are, except...

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He has a faraway look in his eyes, like he is somewhere else. He cannot join and is often distracted. He startles beyond doubt and overreacts to things that never bothered him before. He is ever vigilant, all the time seeing around, waiting for the next bad thing to happen. These are post traumatic stress disorder symptoms and they are production your life miserable.

Recognizing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms

Here are more symptoms:

He stays up late, way late. He flips straight through Tv channels with sound off, surfs the web, plays video games, or just stares into space. His eyelids are sliding shut on him, but the occasion you recomMend he go to sleep, he sits straight up and nearly yells "no!" When he does come to bed, he tosses and turns. He sleeps lightly, jumping at every itsybitsy sound. He has nightmares. Bad ones, ones that scare you. He may wake up screaming, or drenched in sweat. Sleep disturbances are one of the most tasteless post traumatic stress disorder symptoms.

He is irritable, chronically angry. Small things frustrate him. His moods turn without warning. He is angry one minute, apologetic the next. Then he ignores you. He is withdrawn, then he wants you by his side. Suddenly he wants the whole family around. Then he walks away. He cries, then cusses. You feel like you have emotional whiplash.

You avoid having difficult discussions with him. When he is in a good mood, you want to savor it. You don't want to spoil it with anyone negative. And when his mood is foul, no way would you risk production it worse. You rarely make requests, especially if it would want him to interact with other people. You hesitate to make plans with friends because you can't predict his reaction. You keep the kids quiet, or keep them away from him when they are rambunctious. On your way home from work, you worry about what kind of mood he will be in. You are walking on eggshells, not wanting to set him off.

These post traumatic stress disorder symptoms are difficult, but then there are the ones that beyond doubt break your heart:

He looks straight through you. You are standing face to face, but he is not there. There is no emotion in the eyes that used to look at you with so much love. There is nothing. Not anger, or hurt. Not regret. Nothing. You may feel his skin below your hand, but you know you cannot touch him. And the pain goes straight to your heart. You feel lonely, because you are alone.

He may not be interested in sex at all. Or he may be obsessed with it. Sex may be the only glimmer of feeling he has. It is not production love anymore. It is not what you want or need, but you are glad to have even this because it is the only time he touches you. You know you deserve better, but you accept this because you know it is all he has to give. Even if it feels more like taking, than giving. You hope it means that one day, he will be back, all of him, like before.

If this describes your life, your loved one has post-traumatic stress disorder symptoms and you are going to need help to safe your sanity, facilitate his healing, and save your relationship.

Recognizing Post Traumatic Stress Disorder Symptoms

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Wednesday, September 14, 2011

What Makes A Good Bed & Breakfast?

Too many bed & morning meal locations fail even though the
owner's have worked hard to make it a gorgeous place to
stay. Even though they are favorite places for people to stay
in, some of them just don't have what customers are really
looking for. If you own a bed & morning meal or you are
thinking of investing in one you unmistakably need to pay close
attention to this information. It can make a significant
difference for the course of your home based business.

Make sure everybody of your guests feels welcome from the
second they talk to you. Many people call to make a reservation instead of doing it online so that
they can talk to a real person. If they don't feel like they
are foremost while that phone conversation then they are
likely not going to toddle with booking it. They want their
experience at a bed & morning meal to be personal and
enjoyable. They aren't going to spend their money in it if
they don't think they are going to get it.

Post Beds

It is a good idea to stay at assorted
locations yourself. Pay attentiveness to what it working well
for you and what is missing. This will teach you areas that
you need to focus on for your own bed & morning meal business.
Interact with other guests and find out what they like or
don't like about their sense there as well.

What Makes A Good Bed & Breakfast?

You will find a vast estimate of free facts about what
customers want from you online. Fullness of
people write reviews about their experiences. They also post
information on the assorted blogs and forums out there. You
will find significant facts on these sites and it doesn't
cost you anyone to read the information. You will find
many of the issues they discuss aren't specific to any one
particular location. Instead they apply to
the whole commerce so you can learn how to effectively
operate your b&b from this type of information.

Use the power of the internet to help you get information
about what customers are saying about B&Bs. The
information isn't a secret so don't guess - go right to the
sources. You can way blogs and forums online that have
information written by actual customers. You can unmistakably find
out what they are finding for and what type of experiences
they have had trying to find it. Look for constant themes
that offer good facts on what you without fail need to
be offering and what you need to stay away from. Look for
common pitfalls that could destroy your making ready if
you don't put in order against them.

You have the chance to keep each of your customers very
happy when you operate a bed & breakFast. You need to be
dedicated to offering them the best inherent experience.
Remember that needs to be evaluated from their point of
view, not yours. Always anticipate any needs that your
guests may have. They may need a aid that isn't
generally linked with a b&b such as
transportation to a meeting or for you to offer a weather
report for their outing that day. These small details will
really place your cozy recession on a pedestal in their

Always follow up with those that have stayed at your bed &
breakFast. You want to build a ability connection with
them so that they will stay again in the future. You also
want them to advise your location to other people. There
is a good chance they will Mention your establishMent
online too in the forums and blogs. You want that
information to be very safe bet as it is free advertising
for you. When you follow up with your guests, thank them for
staying at your bed & breakFast. Ask them to value their
stay as well so you can find out where you stand with your

If you find that a singular customer had a terrible
experience at your B&B, don't ignore it. Take
the time to sense them and express your sincere
disappointMent in the situation. Ask them what could have
been done to make the situation best and then listen to
what they have to say. You may want to offer them a free
stay at your establishMent, so you can make it up to them or
even repayment their money. customer aid is a very
important part of ensuring your place will be
successful. Pay attentiveness to what customers are saying as
they will offer you very significant information.

What Makes A Good Bed & Breakfast?

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Monday, September 5, 2011

Craigslist and Getting Tons of Traffic - How to Post Effectively

Craigslist is a hot bed for marketing your firm and exposing your products and services for free. It is one of the most visited sites on the internet receiving millions of visitors daily. You can sell anyone you want from Clothes to cars. So, it makes a lot of sense to post your ads here. As long as you know the basic rules of posting your ads, you can increase your sales of any product. However, the task of posting ads every day is very tedious, unless you know what you are doing. Once you know how to post, Craigslist traffic can elevate your firm to a whole new level.

I have been using Craigslist for about a year now and have learned quite a few tricks. If the service is not used effectively, you are losing tons of traffic. Here are 10 tips to increase you sales and profits by addition your Craigslist traffic:

Post Beds

1. Make each title and article different

Craigslist and Getting Tons of Traffic - How to Post Effectively

2. Make catchy headlines like "How To Get More Leads Free" Or "6 Tips on Getting Targeted Leads"

3. Post images that are hyperlinked, they get more clicks

4. Post late night and early morning

5. Post in proper categories where habitancy are seeing for firm ideas

6. Post daily

7. Outsource your posting or use Craigslist autoposting software

8. Make sure you have a great capture page once person clicks your post

9. Convert your Ip adDress after every 20 posts

10. Post from different email adDresses

In conclusion, I would like to say that proper Craigslist posting is a great tool for any online marketer. The time investMent will be returned many times over and ordinarily within the first few weeks or months. You will not be disappointed. Your sales and profits will increase as your Craigslist traffic increases.

Craigslist and Getting Tons of Traffic - How to Post Effectively

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Sunday, September 4, 2011

Bed and breakfast Marketing - Grab That Visitor!

Your bed and morning meal marketing should do two things. It should attract new guests and it should do all it can to retain existing guests and get them to return to you again and again. It's much easier and much more profitable to deal with person who has stayed with you before than it is to keep finding new ones!

There's a limit to how well this can be done - and it will never be 100% of course - but there are things you can do to increase your chances.

Post Beds

Off line - out there in the "real world" - this means that every time you do any kind of bed and morning meal promotion you should mail existing clients. Always give them the selection to tell you they don't want any more mailings but don't be shy in giving it a go. We all get too much junk mail, and much of what you send will be treated as such (however well meaning) but if a division is taken up and you end up with full rooms for the price of a stamp or two it's got to be worth it, right?

Bed and breakfast Marketing - Grab That Visitor!

Better yet, if you have their email adDress it won't even cost you the stamp. Specific here though, people are very protective of their email and even more "anti-junk" than they are with the post. Make sure you have permission.

On the internet you can be even more pro-active. Here you can target your bed and morning meal marketing to try and get the details of people who haven't stayed with you yet!

You do it by using a "newsletter" type service. You've probably seen them on other blogs or websites. It will be something along the lines of "let me have your name and email adDress and we'll keep you up to date with extra offers, etc". Sounds complex but you can use a low-cost supervision assistance to do most of it for you. There's a bit of code to add to your website but that's more or less cut and paste. When it comes to sending out offers you just do one email and your assistance sends it out to all your subscribers. Start for free, even if you have a thousand people to email it will only cost you a few bucks a month.

If you can give people a small something - like an introductory discount for subscribing - you are likely to get a higher response.

This is a bed and morning meal marketing tactic that can work for you both short-term and long-term. Once you've got a list of subscribers together you can send out offers at virtually no cost so you can test all kinds of things and see what proves popular.

Bed and breakfast Marketing - Grab That Visitor!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011

The Powder Post Beetle

The Powderpost Beetle gains its name from the finely chewed particles it produces while burrowing through wood. The remains will be so fine they will look as if a white powder similar to flour, and this is usually the only indication that the homeowner will receive to identify the species since the majority of its lifespan is spent within hardwoods and digging its way towards the surface. Not long after emerging from its one to four year journey from within your home the Powderpost Beetle will die of natural causes, leaving only a small pinhole and some fine dust to announce that it had ever existed at all.

This species is unlikely to receive sympathy from humans though, because from birth their only goal in life is to destroy wood. Their lifecycle begins as a small larva that was abandoned before birth. There was no Food left for them and no sibling to show them the ropes, but luckily for the Powderpost Beetle they were born within a wooden structure of some type and that is all they truly need to survive. The larvae will begin to burrow into the wood digging through tiny bits at a time, and all the while the rest of the world has positively no idea that it even exists at all. As they strengthen through their painstaking dig the beetle will continue to grow and finally reach adulthood, and shortly thereafter it will emerge from its wooden home and face the environMent for the first time. It will then lay eggs whether on top of the wooden structure or deep within it; and not too long after a new generation will begin the enTire pattern.

Post Beds

An exciting note is that Powderpost Beetles will only burrow into untreated wood, and any type of paint, stain, varnish, or sealant will effectively be left untouched. However, if that piece of lumber was not properly stored while drying out it could perhaps already have the species inside of it. Once the adult beetle emerges it will not lay eggs on a treated exterior but it will instead place eggs back inside the wood before departing. The most coarse Powderpost Beetle infestations occur when purchasing furniture that contains the species inside of it or within lumber purchased to organize the home itself. The only trustworthy way to detect their presence is to witness the wood and notice the burrowed circular holes, then to witness the powdery remains to see if the species is active inside it.

The Powder Post Beetle

A amount of pesticides are ready to operate the Powderpost Beetle, but the best prevention is to completely witness any wood materials before introducing them to your home. It is also exciting to know that this species vastly prefers hardwoods so softer cuts wood such as Pine and Douglas-Fir are usually not colonized. This species often dies off due to natural causes so before investing money replacing boards or spraying perilous chemicals it is leading to verify that the colony is still active. The only way to do this is to study the powder from within the hole; if it is dried or has other debris on it then the beetles are already gone. A pro can help you great rule if Powderpost Beetles are gift within your home, and also offer complicated ways to eliminate the species.

The Powder Post Beetle

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Abraham Hicks Processes Can Help You Beat Post Enlightenment Blues

So how can Abraham Hicks processes help you beat the post-enlightenMent blues?

You're on a path of spiritual or maybe solely personal increase and all things is going great. all things feels just right. In fact, all the reading and work that you have done up to this point feels like it had a purpose. Those bad experiences (relationships, Job, financial) don't feel so wrong right now; they are no longer a source of ache or regret. Instead they all seem to have a deeper purpose. They were challenges put in the way to get you to this very point. All the inevitable power rises up in your body and approximately overflows. You are so happy to be here, in your body, in this place, right at this moMent.

Post Beds

So what has the path in store for you now? Real life. Which is a challenge all of us have to face when arrival off an enlightenMent buzz. You reach this astounding point, either it is looking an appealing book, an astounding instruction program, a new and appealing guru or plainly a positively insightful affirmation. You get wrapped up in a sense of approximately euphoria where you just feel your purpose to your very toes and then daily challenges start stealing their way back into your life and nudging you away from your happy, happy place.

Abraham Hicks Processes Can Help You Beat Post Enlightenment Blues

You felt that you were more than well equipped to deal with all things from valuing yourself to long-term goal planning. So, it's a shock that not having sufficient caffeine in the afternoon can send you spinning into a negative spiral. To be honest, you just felt you were best than that now. I call this phenoMenon the 'post-enlightenment blues'. You have an epiphany about your personal and / or spiritual increase and then daily life drags you back down with a thump.

I speak about this with a sense of authority because I've been afflicted with it a few times. It's the speculate you end up not following straight through with that astounding productivity routine. Or why you stop meditating on a daily basis. Daily challenges sneak up and bite you in the butt and you feel a microscopic betrayed by your book / policy / guru / affirmation. If it worked properly in the first place, you wouldn't be having these problems would you?

Over the past 8 months I've been reading more and more about the Law of Attraction and a few other positivity focused authors and courses. For the first time ever, I have been able to push straight through my post-enlightenment blues and keep motivated about my increase path...despite daily challenges. A big part of this has been that I am far more realistic and accepting that these microscopic things will occur. Other thing that has helped is that I am quick to identify when daily challenges are getting to me and take myself out of the situation. Rather than start falling back into negative behavior patterns, which was my old Mo.

The point of this record isn't to show off my new astounding behavior patterns (although I am very proud of them).I wanted to share with you some of the exercises I used to help me push straight through my post-enlightenment blues. These exercises come from two different authors Dan Millman and Abraham-Hicks. I'm going to give you the exercises in full, but I would advise looking into either author if you have time.

I've heard great things about Dan Millman's first book 'Way of the Peaceful Warrior' but I've only read his second book 'No ordinary Moments' which is where a one of these exercises is adapted from. I would advise anyone by Abraham-Hicks, especially recordings of their travelling 'Art of Allowing' workshops. I've used a integrate of exercises from their book 'Ask and It Is Given'.

Issues and Lessons of Daily Life

Think of all of your activities yesterday, either it is work / career, finances, relationships, instruction or health related. Make a short list of anyone that you felt challenged you. Which of these things challenged you the most? In one or two sentences, either written or spoken aloud, state what you learned or a capability you gained from the challenge. Imagine the incident happening again. Keep in your mind the inevitable statements that you made about the challenge. Fantasize now, re-approaching the incident viewing it as a inevitable learning experience. Be grateful for the incident. Think about how you would have dealt with the incident differently. Re-play the incident in your mind with this new approach

Wouldn't it be nice process

This is a positively easy Abraham-Hicks process but it is positively effective.

Think of anyone that caused you to feel negative, or caused you ache from yesterday Now, think of the how you would have liked the situation to happen. For example, if you found yourself losing your temper with a loved one because you felt rushed. Now, say to yourself 'Wouldn't it be nice if..." (using the example) I hadn't had felt calm and centered yesterday, or that I had great communication skills and I was able to be honest with people I loved when I needed to focus on me, or if I got up an hour earlier than usual so I my day would feel less rushed. Whatever the ache is, you can apply this great microscopic exercise to it.

Segment Intending Process

This is again, a easy exercise from Abraham-Hicks, but it is most productive to use this tool as a routine part of your day, which may be difficult at first. I would advise that you use a notepad at first to write your intentions for each new segment.

The principle is that you put forward your desires, or intentions for each different section of your day. This is vital because you have very different desires with regard to your getting ready to go to work part of your day and a difficult telephone conversation you have planned with your sister. I will give you an example:

When you first wake up, you lie in bed for a few moments and visualize how the time you spend getting ready to go to work (or drop the kids off, anyone your circumstances) would ideally occur. This could be with a focus on calm serenity, efficiency, communication with your family, commitment to your exercise routine, whatever. The point is to visualize exactly how you want the morning to duration to go. The next step is say out loud the intentions for your morning. For example, I will characterize effectively with my children, giving them time to express their wants and desires and exhibiting patience. When you are first beginning to do this I would advise positively writing your intention down as it gives you a stronger impetuous behind it (you feel it more) Sit for a moment and positively feel your intentions. Know that your communication will be astounding this morning. You do not need to try to control others because your reactions will originate the situation you want. Take a deep breath and let it out. This segment of your day is going to go great!

For segment intending to have the most impact on your life, I would advise that you try to cover as many segments of your day as possible. It's not an attempt to do this as this microscopic or so exercise makes you feel both excited and optimistic about your day. Also, don't stress about when segments start and stop; you will totally feel it. For example, when driving to work you might put forward the intention of safety and good observation. These intentions are less standard for phoning your parents, therefore you know that they are different segments.

I hope this record and Abraham Hicks processes can help you get straight through you post-enlightenment blues.


Abraham Hicks Processes Can Help You Beat Post Enlightenment Blues

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Monday, August 15, 2011

How To Arouse A Woman - In 4 uncomplicated Steps

Most woMen often tend to be very complete and protective about themselves when it comes to topics such a sex. Every man wants to know how to arouse a woman but it's very hard when most woMen tend to adopt a passive attitude. So how to frame out either a woman is ready for sex or not? You naturally can not arouse her unless she opens up Mentally to this subject. Read on to recognize some of the best ways to arouse a woman and achieve striking results in bed.

Start with common questions- WoMen are emotional therefore always take it slow and build up with time. Start with common questions such as one night stands. Ask her either she has had one night stands before or not. If the woman is uneasy with such questions than she is not ready yet for sex. Wait for the right time and moment when you feel she is mentally ready. Remember you can never arouse a woman unless her emotions are involved.

Post Beds

See what she likes- Ask her either she prefers to have sex on the first date or not. This is one of the best ways to arouse a woman. Ask her about her past experiences and how often has she had sex on the first date.

How To Arouse A Woman - In 4 uncomplicated Steps

Make her think- The best way to arouse a woman is to make her think of the sexual topic as much and as often as possible. Drive her into a mental movie where her thoughts are dominated by sex and she gradually starts to get aroused.

Find out when she is ready- If she does get dominated by sexual thoughts she would get aroused and would give you a signal either she is ready or not. This does not mean she would be at once ready for sex but she would most absolutely be ready to get kissed. Kissing is the next level on how to arouse a woman perfectly. If she is ready to be kissed than she is most probably aroused and has opened her doors to get into bed with you.

How To Arouse A Woman - In 4 uncomplicated Steps

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How to Satisfy Women in Bed - Here is an Art You Must Learn Before It's Too Late For You

Both Men and woMen desire and expect great sex every time they go to bed with their partners. Higher expectations have put indispensable pressure on Men and it comes as no surprise to see men trying all the more harder to be the perfect lover or the ideal sex god. However, there is no such thing as the perfect lover and every person can satisfy his girl or woman if he follows the following three tips....

Longer foreplay-

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For most men foreplay means kissing and fondling the woman's breasts. Remember women take longer than men to get aroused and more often than not the arousal regularly begins in brain. Stimulate your girl's mind and moderately get her ready. Play with her and hold her close to you, run your fingers over her body and experience her breasts lightly. Rub her back and plant kisses on her shoulder and neck also give her a long breath sucking kiss. Kiss her inner thighs, in the middle of the legs, breasts and heighten her sexual sensitivities.

How to Satisfy Women in Bed - Here is an Art You Must Learn Before It's Too Late For You

Longer oral-

Give her the longest oral she ever had. Most men stop oral sex the moment they feel that their partner is sufficiently warmed up. Your girl will love it if you give her clitoral and vaginal stimulation with your fingers and tongue for a long time. It is recommended that you bring your girl to many orgasms by just using your tongue and fingers simultaneously. Once she has had a series of volcanic orgasms drill her and continue pleasuring her till she has other series of orgasms. Try and delay your ejaculation by varying your speed and depth of thrusts.

Let her enjoy the post orgasmic bliss in your arms-

Most men ignore this very foremost step. After the sex is done take your partner close to you lie down quietly for some time. Remember women do not cool down as Fast as men do and they can collect a lot of delight if you snuggle and pronounce experience with their bodies long after the act.

If you are able to do these three things you will thoroughly satisfy your girl and in the process understand her better.

How to Satisfy Women in Bed - Here is an Art You Must Learn Before It's Too Late For You

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Thursday, August 4, 2011

Posterior Pelvic Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Pain) In Pregnant Women

Posterior pelvic pain (Ppp) is pain felt at or near the sacroiliac joints of your pelvis as a succeed of sacroiliac joint dysfunction. These are joints located at the 2 dimples of the lower back. The pain often feels deep within your lower back and can occur on one or both sides of your back. In some cases, pain radiates down to the buttock and the back of the thigh.

While pain may begin at any time during pregNancy, Ppp on average begins in the 18th week of reproduction and becomes more intense as the reproduction progresses. The pain ordinarily easily resolves within 3 months post delivery. But in some cases it can become lasting and disabling.

Post Beds

What are the Sacroiliac joints?

Posterior Pelvic Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Pain) In Pregnant Women

The sacroiliac joints (Sij) are formed between the sacrum, a triangular-shaped bone in the lower measure of the spine, and the right and left ilium of the pelvis. The Sij is a strong and stable weight-bearing joint that permits very dinky moveMent due to its natural structure. The main role of the Sij is to allow forces to be transmitted effectively through the body, fascinating impact from the legs to the spine during activities such as walking, running and jumping.

The Sij is kept stable through two mechanisms:

Firstly, the rough, groove-like connecting surfaces of the sacrum and ilium interlock and help stabilise the joint, like two pieces of Lego together. Secondly, the Sij is additional strengthened by a involved mesh of ligaMents and muscles such as the core stabilizers. These core muscles, such as the transversus abdominis and multifidus which surround the Sij, act as active stabilizers by actively contracting to create a compressive force over the Sij, gripping the joint firmly together. They act as a natural corset by providing that compression around the lower back and pelvic region -much like wrapping your fingers around the two Lego pieces, keeping them firm and tight.

Posterior pelvic pain arises from sacroiliac joint dysfunction, in other words, when the stability of Sij is compromised.

Why does it happen?

During pregNancy, mechanisms stabilising the Sij is affected. This instability allows for increased motion, stressing the Sij.

Hormones released during reproduction relax the ligaments of the body to allow the pelvis to enlarge, in preparation for childbirth Due to the growing uterus, some of the core muscles around the pelvis get 'stretched' and weakened.

Moreover, the additional weight and altered walking pattern connected with reproduction can cause primary mechanical strain on the sacroiliac joints, which may succeed in Sij inflammation, giving a deep ache in the posterior pelvis.

What are the symptoms?

Of all the back pains experienced during pregNancy, posterior pelvic pain is the most common - you are four times more likely to palpate Ppp than lumbar pain.

You may have posterior pelvic pain / sacroiliac joint dysfunction if you have:

Deep, boring pain in the back of the pelvis (around the sacroiliac joints) Pain may occasionally radiate to the groin and thighs. The pain is typically worse with standing, walking, climbing stAirs, resting on one leg, getting in and out of a low chAir, rolling over and twisting in bed, and lifting. The pain improved when lying down. If there is inflammation and arthritis in the Si joint, you may palpate stiffness and a burning sensation in the pelvis.

Diagnosing Sacroiliac

Joint Dysfunction in reproduction Your doctor and/or physiotherapist will conduct a appropriate history and bodily test to decree the fundamental disorders for your pain. That includes your report of symptoms, a series of tests designed to look at the stability, movement, and pain in the sacroiliac joints and surrounding structures. Imaging, such as computed tomography (Ct) scan and X-ray may also help in the diagnosis. an additional one dependable diagnostic method involves injecting an anesthetic agent into the Si joint, guided by an X-ray machine, numbing the vexed area, thereby identifying the pain source. However, due to the concerns of fetal exposure to radiation, diagnostic procedures fascinating radiation is ordinarily avoided.

Treatment and Management

The first-line rehabilitation of pregNancy-related sacroiliac joint dysfunction is physiotherapy and exercises that focuses on core stability of the trunk and pelvic girdle. Sometimes, a sacro-iliac belt is prescribed to complement the core stability exercises and to give quick pain relief. Exercises will form a large part of the rehabilitation and in some cases, mobilisation (a gentler form of manipulation) of your hip, back or pelvis may be used to strict any fundamental movement dysfunction. Other hand-operated techniques include muscle vigor technique (Met) and myofascial release. It is vital to engage a physiotherapist who is skilled in treating pregnancy-related pain as she is aware of the studies that keep the use of exact stabilizing exercises and other rehabilitation techniques, thereby preventing the dysfunction from escalating into a lasting condition.

Other alternative treatments include anesthetic and steroidal injections into the Sij that can help in pain relief, which lasts from one day or much more long-term. Oral anti-inflammatory medications are often productive in pain relief as well. However, these two treatments may be contra-indicated during pregnancy.

Posterior Pelvic Pain Home Advice

Here are some tips for expectant women with posterior pelvic pain..

Lying down

Avoid lying on your back for long periods of time, particularly after the 19th week of your pregnancy. Try lying on your side (preferably your left) with a pillow located between your knees and an additional one under your tummy. If your waist sags down into the bed, try placing a small rolled up towel under your waist.

Turning over in bed

To turn to your right while lying on your back, arch your lower back, tighten your pelvic floor muscles and lower abdominal muscles and bend both knees one by one. Turn your head to the right and take your left arm over to the right of your body. Hold onto the side of your bed if you can. To turn, pull with your left hand and take both knees over to the right so that you roll to the right. As soon as possible, bend your knees up as high as they will go - this helps to lock out your pelvis and lessen pain. Reverse this to turn to the left.

Getting out of bed

Roll onto your side with your knees bent up, move your feet over the edge of the bed and push yourself up sideways with your arms. Reverse the process when you lie down.

Standing from a sitting position.

Sit on the edge of the chAir. Keeping your knees apart slightly and lean forwards till your head is directly over your knees, keeping your back straight. Stand up by pushing up with your arms, with your back level and tummy tucked in. This helps to hold your pelvic joints in their most stable position and may reduce your pain significantly.


Fitzgerald Cm and Le J. Back pain in reproduction requires practitioner creativity. Biomechanics. 2007 November Ostgaard Hc, Andersson Gb, Karlsson K. Prevalence of back pain in pregnancy. Spine. 1991; 16:549-552. Ostgaard Hc, Zetherstrom G, Roos-Hansson E, Svanberg B. Reduction of back and posterior pelvic pain in pregnancy. Spine. 1994; 19:894-900.

Posterior Pelvic Pain (Sacroiliac Joint Pain) In Pregnant Women

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Monday, July 25, 2011

The assorted Post Shapes For 4 Poster Beds

The quadrate posts are the selection of those who like the look of indeed clean lines.  While they are typically determined a customary choice, they also fit into the clean, contemporary lines that is marking today's trend in home decor.  4 poster beds with squared edges can be very heavy production a solid stateMent.  This is commonly accomplished with larger posts and darker wood.  But the squares can offer a very light touch as well.  With smaller sized posts and light wood, the expanding of a fabric canopy can give these beds an Airy look.

The round posts of 4 poster beds offer an old world feel.  They date back to the Victorian era where every singular piece of furniture was treated as an personel work of art.  The rounded posts offer a range of options on their adornment from the intricately carved posts that offer many provocative things to look at or the more simplistic circular decorations.  They can also be found free of decoration, a statement in their own right.  As with the quadrate pegged shape, a canopy can be added for a light, dramatic look.

Post Beds

As important as the shape of the posts on the 4 poster beds are, the type of material used for the posts will help make the statement.  Wood varies from the light to the dark in the more customary choices.  The dark wood offers a solid, grounding force.  Light wood offers light, Airy vibes especially when paired with a fabric.  While wood is the more beloved choice, metal is also a choice.  Most often it is black iron but you can practically use any material to make the posts.  But it is the statement that these beds make that define the bedroom.

The assorted Post Shapes For 4 Poster Beds
The assorted Post Shapes For 4 Poster Beds

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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

Do you live in a small dorm or studio apartMent? If you do, you are probably well-known with the difficulties of trying to merge style with functionality. This may be a singular question when you want to add a petite pizzazz to the central piece of furniture in your dorm, studio or efficiency apartMent.

However, just because you have petite space doesn't mean you can't add style. In fact, this is where you could allow your creativity to shine through. With some imagination and forethought, you could have a living space that is perfect for both day and night. This could be finished by turning your twin bed into a sofa. In the evening, you could switch your sofa back into a twin bed.

Post Beds

The Pros and Cons of Turning Your Twin Bed into a Sofa

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

To begin, you would need a twin platform bed, mate's bed or any twin bed that doesn't have a headboard or post. It is foremost to note, that due to their width, a full, queen or king size bed would not turn nicely into a couch. This would not give the look or feel that you'd want (not to Mention, it would look quite Silly).

The safe bet benefit of turning your twin bed into a sofa would be that you already have the traditional eleMent for this design--a twin bed. This equals savings, as you would only need to buy a few odds and ends to turn your bed into a lovely sofa for daytime living.

Another pro would be that unlike a futon, you would not need to accomplish further steps to make your twin bed into a sofa. All that is essential would be adding further pillows against the back of the bed to give it the look of a sofa.

One disadvanTAGe of converting your bed into a couch would be that this idea wouldn't be convenient if you share your space with man else. For example, if you live in a dorm this might make it difficult. However, there are chances this still could work if your roommate uses a hide-away bed that saves on space. It all actually just depends on the situation.

If you resolve to go with this idea, one last thing...

You may find the biggest con to be the height of your bed in comparison to daybeds, futons and sofas. Platform beds are substantially lower compared to daybeds. So, keep that in mind when inspecting this option, and if the variation in height doesn't bother you, then using it as a sofa would not be a problem.

If you can afford to spend some extra money but still find you don't like the height-issues that come with platform beds, this could be actually remedied by boosting the height of your bed with an extra mattress or box spring. Another selection would be to buy cheap bed lifts or risers. They could add an further 1 to 10 inches or more to the height of your bed.

Yet, a word of warning, risers only work if your bed has legs. If not, you would need to add height by using an extra mattress or box spring.

Lesson 101: Turning your Twin Bed into a Sofa with Style

To turn your twin bed into a sofa, you would simply place it width-wise against a wall (like a daybed). Next, you could add height by using bed risers or an extra box spring or mattress. That is the basics, now onto the creative and fun aspect of switching your twin bed into a sofa and vice versa. This section will tell how you could add a personal touch and make your twin sofa bed uniquely your own.

Use thorough bedding

How could you make your bed most look like a sofa? The talk is simple, use thorough bedding. This could be finished by purchasing a bed skirt or a bedding set. This would allow you to cover the legs of your bed and would give it the look of a sofa with upholstered flaps. If you use bed risers, make sure to have them in place first before buying the bedding. That way, you could take measurements to ensure that the bedding is long adequate to cover the legs once the risers are in place.

Use pillows

Pillows are ideal for creating a faux backing to your bed and faux arms. Pillows could be switched nearby to adapt a sofa and a bed. For evening, you could place the pillows at the head of the bed for sleeping. And while the day you could place the pillows in the back for support, ease and look and feel. As for the arms, you could place bolsters on each side of the bed to fool the eyes into believing your sofa isn't armless.

Create your own upholstered backing

If using pillows exclusively for backing doesn't appeal to you, Another selection would be to create an upholstered backing for your sofa bed. This may sound as if it would put a dent in your pocketbook, but upholstered backing could be made inexpensively without compromising on style or showroom appeal.

The main Supplies you would need to make an upholstered backing are...

plywood upholstery foam and fabric

Keep in mind, it is also foremost to take measurements before beginning on this scheme to resolve the height that you desire for your headboard. What makes this scheme so affordable is that if you do not possess the tools needed to size the plywood, you could take it to a local hardware store and have them cut it for you at a fraction of the cost.

Once you're ready to get started, there are varied tutorials on the Internet that could support you in creating a headboard. A nice one worth mentioning is Make Your Own Upholstered Headboard. It should help you along quite nice and give you a few other ideas on ornamental style in the process.

Once you're finished, you'll find that the upholstered headboard lends an element of class to your space. Creating your own one-of-a-kind headboard will add a sense of accomplishment. It will also be perfectly noteworthy to your taste and style, and as a bonus you can bet you'll get abundance of compliments from your friends in the process.

Getting Creative! How to Make Your Own Twin Sofa Bed

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